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Andrew Forrest Online Shop


Volume 3 in the "Harmonics Trilogy"

"Andrew's latest musical masterpiece is his best yet, he has created sounds that speak to our very soul....... So please, if you like music that expands your awareness and takes you to a place of perfection and beauty, buy this!

Stuart Wisdom, UK

To buy Presence as a CD please click on "Add to Cart" below.

Bandcamp: Click here to buy high quality lossless downloads and MP3 options (complete album or individual tracks).

Listen to samples:

[audio:01-Harmonic-Presence-1st-Movement.mp3|titles=Harmonic Presence ~ 1st Movement] [audio:02-Harmonic-Presence-2nd-Movement.mp3|titles=Harmonic Presence ~ 2nd Movement] [audio:03-Harmonic-Presence-3rd-Movement.mp3|titles=Harmonic Presence ~ 3rd Movement] Track Listing:
  1. Harmonic Presence - 1st Movement 22:37
  2. Harmonic Presence - 2nd Movement 23:12
  3. Harmonic Presence - 3rd Movement 21:48
Total Time 67:55


Price: NZ$25.00

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