Exploring the deep mysteries and infinite wonders of existence, through music, art and words…. celebrating this unfathomable, miraculous life.
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Source Quartet, Volume 1
'One' comprises four long instrumental tracks, and is a musical interpretation of the unfathomable energetic shift from the contracted dualistic dream of separation, to the reality of infinite, boundless freedom, or Oneness.
Typical sounds you will hear are; lush synth strings, grand piano, electric piano, overtone chanting, choirs and solo voices, flutes, chimes and bells, beautiful arpeggiated synth sequences, and countless multi-layered abstract sonic textures.
Track Titles:
1. Unveiling Eternity ~ 16:37
2. The Rapture ~ 19.15
3. Union of Opposites ~ 13.41
4. One ~ 15:43
Total Length: 65:17
To buy ONE as a CD, please click on "Add to Cart" below.
Listen here to 2 minute samples of each track:
[audio:01-Unveiling-Infinity-mp3.4.mp3|titles=Unveiling Eternity] [audio:02-The-Rapture-mp31.mp3|titles=The Rapture] [audio:03-Union-of-Opposites-mp31.mp3|titles=Union of Opposites] [audio:04-One-mp31.mp3|titles=One]