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Andrew Forrest Online Shop


Volume 1 in the "Harmonics Trilogy"

“This recording is amazing! The ethereal soundscapes are artfully weaved into an intricate and richly textured sound experience. It relaxes the mind and body while giving flight to the spirit. Because of the depth and richness of sound, each experience reveals a sonic surprise previously missed.
You sir, compose like no other musician. This is your best work yet. I am amazed that you continue to surpass your own excellence.

Linda Whitlock, USA

To buy Resonance as a CD please click on "Add to Cart" below.

Bandcamp: Click here to buy high quality lossless downloads and MP3 options (complete album or individual tracks).

Listen to samples:

[audio:01-resonance-1-web-MP3.mp3|titles=Harmonic Resonance ~ 1st Movement] [audio:04-hARMONIC-rESONANCE-2nd-movement.mp3|titles=Harmonic Resonance ~ 2nd Movement] [audio:03-resonance-3-web-MP31.mp3|titles=Harmonic Resonance ~ 3rd Movement] Track Listing:
  1. Harmonic Resonance - 1st Movement 23:21
  2. Harmonic Resonance - 2nd Movement 22:29
  3. Harmonic Resonance - 3rd Movement 20:25
Total Time 66:18


Price: NZ$25.00

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